Housing Options
Sitka offers various housing options conveniently located within a short distance of both the university and downtown. Transportation choices in Sitka encompass vehicles, buses, bicycles, or simply walking. Grocery stores and other conveniences are easily accessible on foot from downtown, the university, and most housing options.
During your stay, you will have an opportunity to enjoy the greater Sitka community beyond the university campus. This small, vibrant coastal community has been home to the Tlingit People since time immemorial. Sitka is well known for its history, tremendous fishing, hiking, and wildlife. Sitka has its own public radio station (KCAW), fitness center, aquarium, circus arts studio, bicycle co-op, state of the art Performing Arts Center, and more. For a small town, Sitka has a lot to offer!
The Sitka Fine Arts Camp on the historic Sheldon Jackson College Campus has a number of double- and single-occupancy dorm rooms available for the semester. The dorm includes cooking facilities, a common area, access to laundry facilities, and is within walking distance of downtown, and the university.
This option is most popular among our students. Each single room costs approximately $1575 for the fall 2024 semester. Call the campus for exact rates.
Lodges and B and Bs
A number of seasonal lodges and bed and breakfasts offer discounted rates for long-term stays.
Local hotels also tend to offer discounts for extended stays during the off-season (mid-September through mid-May).
Aspen Suites Hotel Sitka
Sitka Hotel
Baranof Lodge
Eagle Bay Inn
Westmark Sitka Hotel
Sitka is located on the west side of Baranof Island, a small coastal community only accessible by air and by sea.
Alaska Airlines offers year round, daily jet service from hubs such as Seattle and Anchorage.
Sitka is a year-round port of call for the Alaska Marine Highway System.
Why Sitka?
Sitka serves as the perfect backdrop for a semester of experiential study focusing on salmon culture techniques as applied in Alaska’s enhancement facilities. A town of 9,000 people, Sitka lies on the outer edge of Baranof Island in Southeast Alaska. Fisheries serve as the backbone of Sitka. The town is home to a Fish and Game office, five working harbors, several large seafood processors, and an aquaculture association, as well as numerous commercial, sport, and subsistence fishermen. These institutions offer ample opportunities for students to become familiar with the different components of the fisheries industry.
In addition to the vibrant fishing industry, the area also offers unique opportunities for hands-on marine studies. Sitka boasts a dynamic, diverse, and inclusive community. There are numerous opportunities to get to know Sitka's rich community and natural beauty, through community events and performances, natural history seminars, and a bustling downtown.